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  • By appearing on the show, I consent to allow Queen City Chat Podcast to broadcast of my interview, my appearance, including any information and consent you provide, by Queen City Chat (“Podcaster”) in audio, video, or text form without restriction.

    I hereby voluntarily and without compensation authorize pictures and/or voice recording(s) to be made of me. I hereby give permission to Queen City Chat Podcast to use, reproduce, and distribute the video footage, photographs, or voice recordings, including my name. I hereby agree to release Queen City Chat Podcast from any claims, damages, or liability arising out of such use or distribution. I understand that the use of my name, likeness, and voice recordings will be primarily for the purposes of commercial use by this/these organization(s). I have read and understood the foregoing and I consent to the use of my picture and/or voice as specified for the above-described purpose(s). I further understand that no royalty, fee, or other compensation of any character shall become payable to me.